Volunteer Information


We are constantly looking for volunteer engineers, from many different backgrounds, and especially those who might not have expected to venture into engineering.  The role of volunteers in SET for Sport is hugely important to ensuring success.  They help pass their experiences of studying engineering and working as an engineer, and in this way can positively influence career aspirations of undecided students. When conducting the events, we need to be able to respond to opportunities created by schools.  Once an agreement is reached with a given school, the selection process of participating volunteers may be short and so we are very interested in securing a pool of volunteers from professional bodies such as the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (or another engineering organisation we are linked with) and also STEMNET.  We would prefer that your interest in taking part in SET for Sport is channelled through your local STEMNET since this will takes less time; often they will send out a call for volunteers, but this is not essential.

Your Role

As a volunteer you will be working with groups of 4-6 children, aged 11-15, and your task will be to encourage them to formulate their ideas and arguments using engineering concepts and vocabulary, and help convey information about what it is like to be an engineer and the variety of engineering careers. The SET for Sport event consists of a variety of activities, and each can provide a background for exploring the role of engineering in Sport as part of group discussions, problem solving tasks, and presenting design solutions.

If you wish to apply to be a SET for Sport volunteer or have any questions please contact us.